redscode/product discovery

Product discovery

At the current stage of digital development, the simplest MVP is not enough. Only an in-depth analysis allows to know the real needs of users

Consulting IT

Technical and analytical support for product output analysis.

We validate the design and analyze the plans so that the final product meets user expectations. We provide technical advice at every stage of the project, from conceptual work through planning and implementation. By analyzing available technologies and verifying initial assumptions. Also we create functional requirements, technical requirements, sequence diagrams and use cases. At the same time, we help you design applications and digital tools to work and grab the attention of your customers.

our approach

Idea validation

Scouting of market solutions

Project planning

Technology research

responsible advisors

Our analysts advise on how to design the right product.

The result of the Product Discovery analysis is the material for reliable pricing and project scheduling. We track trends, identify new products, observe competitors. We point out potential pitfalls and risks at an early stage. Our specialists are great at researches and making recommendations. All this is done so that your project team has a complete overview, from the beginning to the end of the project.

Do you want to know which technology to choose? Do you want to compare different solutions? We act so that you have full knowledge of your idea.

